Advertise on thestarreview.com
Do you have a product that requires an honest review?
What is it
TheStarReview.com is a product review website.
TheStarReview.com.com receives:
- Over 1,400 monthly local visitors
- Over 4,200 monthly pageviews
- Over 75% are from ages 18-44
- Over 70% are from the Lehigh Valley
- 46% are female and 54% are male
Advertising on TheStarReview.com is affordable and effective.
Additional benefits include:
- Advertise for as little as $7 a day!
- Banner ad with link to your website
- A profile of your business on our Sponsors area with your logo and link to your website
- Ad tracking so you know how many times the ad was seen and clicked on
- Business exclusivity - only one advertiser per advertiser category (see list below)
Advertising Rates:
- $400/month - Top banner (728 x 90 pixels)
- One slot with 3 rotating banners
- $300/month - Mid banner (728 x 90 pixels)
- Two slots with 6 rotating banners
- $200/month - Side banner (300 x 250 pixels)
- Two slots with 6 rotating banners
Available Advertiser Categories
- Airline
- Beverage Company
- Car dealership
- Clothing store
- College/University
- Concert
- Dental
- Dermatologist
- Driving school
- Entertainment
- Fast food
- Hair Salon/Barber
- Healthcare/Hospital
- Insurance
- Local Cable
- Newspaper
- Real estate
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- Shopping locations (mall, promenade)
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- Transportation
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